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Старый 28.12.2015, 16:23   #13
Медаль пользователю. ЗОЛОТО Любитель
Аватар для Sapwood
Регистрация: 13.11.2015
Сообщения: 171
Репутация: 36
Dmydrii сказал(a):
Этот адрес http://pastebin.com/EPfqEJAG заблокирован!
Какой суровый у вас провайдер Код файла "main.php" для шага 5:

<?php # GAE-based webproxy server. V.4 # License: CC0 1.0 $host = "rutracker.org"; # translated host $host_scheme = "http"; # protocol type: "http" or "https" $encryption = false; # enable an encrypted connection to the proxy $request = rawurldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); # stop bots if ('/robots.txt' == $request) { die("User-agent: *rnDisallow: /rn"); } # forced on/off encryption if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != ($encryption ? 'on' : 'off') { http_response_code(301); header('Location: ' . ($encryption ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true); die(); } # decode name of subdomain if ($encryption) { $subdomain = ''; $proxy_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $a = explode('/', $request, 3); if (strlen($a[1]) > 2 && '.' == $a[1][0]) { $subdomain = substr($a[1], 1); $request = '/' . $a[2]; } } else { $a = explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $proxy_host = implode('.', array_slice($a, -3); array_pop($a); array_pop($a); if (count($a) > 1 && 1 === preg_match('~^[0-9]+$~', $a[count($a) - 2]) { $proxy_host = $a[count($a) - 2] . '.' . $proxy_host; array_pop($a); } $a[count($a) - 1] = ''; $subdomain = implode('.', $a); } # translate browser headers $headers = ''; foreach ($_SERVER as $name => $value) { $a = explode('_', $name); if (count($a) < 2 || $a[0] != 'HTTP' || $a[1] == 'X') continue; array_shift($a); $name = strtolower(implode('-', $a); $headers .= $name . ': ' . str_replace($proxy_host, $host, $value) . "rn"; } # send req to host $context = stream_context_create([ 'http' => [ 'ignore_errors' => true, 'follow_location' => false, 'method' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'header' => $headers, 'timeout' => 30, 'content' => http_build_query($_POST) ] ]); $url = $host_scheme . '://' . $subdomain . $host . $request; $result = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context); if (!isset($http_response_header) { http_response_code(404); syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Can not access to {$url}"); die("Proxy error. Can not access to {$url}"); } # respond headers to browser foreach ($http_response_header as $header_line) { header(str_replace($host, $proxy_host, $header_line), false); $a = preg_split('~[ :;,/\]+~', trim(strtolower($header_line); if ('content-type' == $a[0]) $c_type = $a; } # convert links in the text content: # "http://abc.def.example.com" -> "//abc.def.my-proxy.appspot.com" # # or for encrypted connections: # "http://abc.def.example.com" -> "//my-proxy.appspot.com/.abc.def." if (isset($c_type) && in_array($c_type[1], ['text', 'application']) && in_array($c_type[2], ['html', 'css', 'xml', 'xhtml+xml', 'javascript']) { $result = preg_replace_callback( '/(?<=[^:])(http:|https:|)(//)([a-z0-9-.]+.|)' . preg_quote($host) . '/is', function ($m) { global $proxy_host, $encryption; return $encryption ? "//{$proxy_host}" . ($m[3] ? '/.' . $m[3] : '') : "//{$m[3]}{$proxy_host}"; }, $result); } echo $result; # end of file
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